I needed a 5-drawer dresser so I turned to what else, Craigslist. There, waiting in someone's storage unit in San Francisco, was a totally adequate dresser for under $80. I knew it wasn't even close to my dream dresser, but it was what I needed for now. When we put it in our room, I felt a little bit bummed at its plainness. It was very, nilla-waferish. Jay looked at the dresser, not really liking it much either and said, "What if you put some red glass knobs on it?"
Yes Jay, Yes! Gosh you're good.
Yes Jay, Yes! Gosh you're good.
If you're in northern Calif., you can find tons of fun knobs at Belmont Hardware, or from a vendor at the Alameda antique fair.
I never met a red anything that I could resist, so I better avoid those two places and all that red pretty goodness. Great upgrade!
You write your posts so well!! i enjoy reading your stuff!!
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