Monday, May 21, 2007

A success!

This was undeniably a terrific weekend. A lot of people came to visit our Open Studios and it was fun answering questions about the monotype process or 'what was I thinking when I made this print', etc. It was great talking to all of the other artists about their work, too. I usually go to the studio at night, so many of the artists in this warehouse are not there when I am.

My Mom baked cookies for both days, and several of my friends came by for a visit and even a purchase! I also sold several prints to people I didn't know. The support I received was tremendous. I can't wait until the next one. In the meantime, I am going to apply to show in a local gallery, as well as a new Friday night art walk in Redwood City. I'm jazzed!


Jessica Nichols said...

It was wonderful to see your space Jamie and learn more about the process. I really do want to try it! A whole new way to play with paper. Congrats sweetie!

Clare said...

Im proud of you. Its great to be able to say my friend, "the artist" and you truly are an artist. I cant wait to put our print up on the wall.