Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little break

Such peaceful waters in the evenings

This was just before I danced the meringue with my lovely coworkers

Mamajuana, the national drink of the Domincans. The bartenders say it's like vitamins, and it makes you strong. The ingredients: Rum, red wine, honey, tree bark & herbs. Tastes like cough syrup. They say it's an aphrodisiac. (Jay, I'll bring some home!)

The sea green waters of Bavaro Beach, Punta Cana
I am going to swim here this afternoon

Holá señors y señoritas! Como estas? Bien? Ahhh, muy bien.

I dropped by to tell you that I'm sorry I've been a little out of touch this month. But it is because I've been working extra hard to help coordinate an engineering conference in the Dominican Republic (with my wonderful co-worker Lisa, from Long Island, NY). Well the time has finally come and yes, I am in this beautiful country that is commonly referred to as "the DR".

Today I stared up into the palm trees and nearly became a poet. The word "glory" kept pushing its way into my thoughts.

I am doing work while I am here, so I will be taking a break from my usually scheduled blogging events this week. My goal is to interview a local Dominican while I am here and post that next Wednesday. I love hearing Spanish being spoken everywhere, and the Dominicans I have met have such beautiful smiles.

For all of you, I will take a swim in these sea green waters. Now I know why that crayon is called sea green. As a child, didn't you ever think that color was not really like the sea? Me too, until I came here.

Adios for now my friends...I shall be back in touch very soon.

1 comment:

Clare said...

The word Glory comes to my mind when I read this post. Ahhhhh. Heaven. Lucky Ducky.