So last night we go to a great dinner with terrific company and 5 of us squished into my Mom's car to head to Nolas. As usual, there's nowhere to park in Palo Alto - but we manage to find and fit into a spot (labeled small car) in an underground parking garage. My Mom has an older Nissan Pathfinder - not a 4x4, but not tiny, that's for sure. After our meal we walked back to the garage to find this note on the windshield:

Gave us a good laugh. Maybe I'll submit it to Found.
that's hysterical. so glad you kept the note!
Awesome! How funny. And I love that the punctuation in the sentence is correct, but then there's no period. I don't know why, but that makes it a gem in my eyes.
oh how this made me laugh
Wow, that was deep. Sort of a cross between a Buddhist koan and William Carlos Williams. And was that written on toilet paper? The medium is the message, indeed.
ABSOLUTELY submit it to found!
haha. I leave notes like that on people's cars, bulletin boards, really anything I can write stuff on.
It looks like a five year old wrote it. They shouldn't be on the road! Hope you guys had fun!
My favorite part about this story is the label you gave it. :)
P.S. Susan, I love the punctuation situation too.
that is hilarious :)
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