Monday, March 23, 2009

My Vision Board

In the beginning of the year, I mentioned that I wanted to share my dreams from time to time. I made a vision board over the weekend, having been guided in a 2 hour class with my friend Jess. I thought you might want to see it and hear about the process.

Making my vision board was more fun than I even imagined it to be. Not only was it satisfying to rip the pages out of magazines, it was a great opportunity to focus and clarify what I would like in my future.

You will need: your favorite magazines, scissors, a glue stick and a piece of foam core (a journal or notebook could be a nice alternative).

You begin by gluing a photo of yourself in the center. It is a photo where you were feeling very happy in that moment, so whenever you look at this photo you will feel happy. Then, you rip out photos based on the different sections of your board.

- Directly above the center is where you will have photos that represent your spirituality.
- The upper right corner represents your relationship with a partner.
- The upper left corner represents YOU. How do you see yourself in this life?
- The lower left corner is how you see yourself in community.
- The lower right hand corner is the vision of your living space, your home.
- And finally, directly below the center is a place that is open to divine mystery - life's beautiful mysteries that you are generously allowing in without having any idea of what they will be.

Something important to keep in mind - use photos that make you feel joyful inside. Sometimes we get an idea in our head of what we should be, or it may be an old idea we've had of ourselves. When you hold a photo like that, you will know if it represents something more heady, or if you are getting a good feeling from your heart. Go with the heart.

After you are finished, you can wrap tape around the edges of the board as a way of finishing and sealing in your dreams. You will place your board in a room where you'll glance at it often, but it's not right in your face. Hey, good job! Your future is looking bright!

Oh - and I promise to tell you when things start coming true. Shine on and dream on. xo


Jessica Nichols said...

Thank you for sharing your dreams with us. Also thanks for explaining it -- a great refresher for me when I go to finish mine. I'm inspired!

Clare said...

This is a post that I will keep going back for inspiration and how to instructions! Thanks for sharing your beautiful board.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, designers have been using this concept for years as idea/inspiration boards for design ideas. Weird to see it morphed into more of a spiritual/metaphysical thing.

It's good to visualize goals and aspirations though...

Charlotte said...

So is the placement in regards to a Feng Shui kind of thing? I think that is really cool. Good project to do with my monkeys, I would love to see what they come up with.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Hey Jess! Thank you for doing this with me in the first place.

Clare thank you too, for talking to me about visualization years ago.

Charlotte, great question - I actually don't know why the placement is such. I am sure you can do it another way though.

Lawless - you totally made me think. I also have an inspiration wall for artwork and I am thinking that this is like a bird's eye view of our life, instead of our design project. Kind of like, making our life our art.

Anonymous said...

How cool is this! I started working on my board last summer, but struggled with what to put on it, so I have it put away. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Thanks for the kind comment, glad you're going to follow my blog...that means a lot :)

Your friend,
Candi (not snobby Candace)

Mariss said...

That's an awesome idea! I think I could use one of those. It looks like you put alot of thought into it -- amazing :)

Alessandra Cave said...

Love your dream board, girl. I must make a new one for me. Hmmm. I must say our boards really look alike! ;-)